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Investing for the future ... Success is where preparation and opportunity meets
Asymmetric payoff investments | Low delta cheap optionality | Special situation opportunities Event and catalytic investments | Business restructuring | Tax and regulatory optimisation Hedges and risks mitigation overlays | Derivatives pricing and structuring | Capital markets pricing and structuring
![]() ASYMMETRIC PAYOFF INVESTMENTSIn search of the positively skewed returns payoff on investments with limited downside risks and liabilities. This may also come about from overlaying, combining and structuring various derivatives with underlying instruments/assets to create the desired payoff profile. | ![]() LOW DELTA CHEAP OPTIONALITYCollecting bottom drawer under-priced positive or negative tail risks events optionality with low time-decay (theta) and great exponential hockey stick payoffs. Typically these arises when the probability of an event or outcome is totally under-priced or over-priced due to irrational exuberance or complete apathy respectively. | ![]() SPECIAL SITUATION OPPORTUNITIESDrawn out opportunites arising from the restructuring of a company or corporate transactions including spin-offs, share repurchases, security issuance/repurchase, asset sales, or other catalyst-oriented situations |
![]() BUSINESS RESTRUCTURINGReorganising the legal, ownership, operational, or other structures of a company for the purpose of making it more profitable, or better organised for its present and future needs. | ![]() TAX AND REGULATORY OPTIMISATIONOptimising tax and regulatory systems in order to circumvent unfavorable regulation by a variety of techniques, including restructuring transactions, financial engineering and geographic relocation. | ![]() EVENT AND CATALYTIC INVESTMENTSImpending news or developments from earnings releases, favorable or unfavorable economic reports, management changes, new products, product recalls, successful (or unsuccessful) marketing campaigns, lawsuits and other factors that change the perception of a company and/or the underlying instrument/asset value |
![]() DERIVATIVES PRICING AND STRUCTURINGDetermination of fair, optimal pricing and structure on underlying derivatives embedded or utilised in transactions explored. | ![]() CAPITAL MARKETS PRICING/STRUCTURINGDetermination of fair, optimal pricing and structure for capital market activities and transactions explored | ![]() HEDGES AND RISKS MITIGATION OVERLAYSMarket risk overlays to mitigate unwanted negative effects from interest rates, foreign exchange, stocks, bonds, volatility or correlation that may arise due to exposure to equity, fixed income, currency, commodity or other asset classes |
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